quality circle — ˈquality ˌcircle noun [countable] MANUFACTURING a small group of factory workers who meet regularly to discuss ways to improve working methods and to solve problems: • Quality circles were introduced into Ford UK to form the communications basis… … Financial and business terms
quality circle — quality circles N COUNT A quality circle is a small group of workers and managers who meet to solve problems and improve the quality of the organization s products or services. [BUSINESS] Riddick s first move was to form a quality circle … English dictionary
quality circle — n. any of the small groups of workers that, as a management technique, meet regularly to suggest and discuss ways to improve production … English World dictionary
Quality circle — A Quality Circle is a volunteer group composed of workers (or even students) who meet to discuss workplace improvement, and make presentations to management with their ideas, especially relating to quality of output in order to improve the… … Wikipedia
quality circle — noun Date: 1979 a group of employees who volunteer to meet regularly to discuss and propose solutions to problems (as of quality or productivity) in the workplace … New Collegiate Dictionary
quality circle — a group of workers performing similar duties who meet periodically to discuss work related problems, offer suggestions for improved production or product quality, etc. [1975 80] * * * … Universalium
quality circle — noun : a group of employees who volunteer to meet regularly to discuss and propose solutions to problems (as of quality or productivity) in the workplace … Useful english dictionary
quality circle — noun a group of employees which meets regularly to resolve problems and improve working methods; part of the kaizen system … Wiktionary
Quality Circle — ⇡ Qualitätszirkel … Lexikon der Economics
Circle time — Circle time, also called group time, refers to any time that a group of people are sitting together for an activity involving everyone. The method is now in widespread use in schools across the UK. In Scotland many primary schools use the method… … Wikipedia
Circle Time — Circle Time, also called group time, refers to any time that a group of people are sitting together for an activity involving everyone. The method is now in widespread use in schools across the UK. In Scotland many primary schools use the method… … Wikipedia